
President Bush Attends Tee Ball Game in Ghana - 英語演講

February 20, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Wele to tee ball in Ghana. We're glad you're here. Thanks for ing. I am so honored to be here for -- to witness the game between -- I want to make sure I get this right -- the Little Dragons and the Little Saints. (Applause.)

I appreciate the Secretary of State ing, Condoleezza Rice. Madame Secretary, thank you. I appreciate very much the Ambassador joining us. Madame Ambassador, thank you. And we got a Major League scout here -- yes, Jimmie Lee Solomon, from Major League Baseball, he's looking for some talent,韓文翻譯. (Applause.) Good to see you, Jimmie Lee.

Listen, thank you all for letting us e by. I'm very excited about watching this game. I do want to thank your coaches. Thanks for coaching. Thanks for teaching people the importance of teamwork. I like baseball a lot, so thanks for teaching them how to play baseball, too.

And are you ready to start? Are you going to give me that ball? All right, e on over. This is the first ball -- ready? Want to put it on the tee? Play ball. (Applause.)

END 2:55 P.M. (Local)

